inner space, outer world
A collection of eleven articles. some rational others less so, including
micro stories, dreams, musings and accounts of experience
"Do you believe in UFO's?"
What kind of a question is that?
It’s a matter of semantics; symbols of meanings. I was asked this question once. “Do you believe in unidentified flying objects?” I don't disbelieve in unidentified flying objects as there is nothing in the description to believe or unbelieve. I asked for further clarification. The reply was - "do you think they are real?" This question also makes no rational sense in any context. I understand what the questioner really meant was "do you believe that reports people make of ufo sightings are attributable to real physical tangible spaceships somehow piloted by something non human; aliens, usually held to mean beings who have travelled from another part of space to planet earth" or from some other place / dimension.
I am sure that I don't know what the real or possible multiple origin of ufo sightings are attributable to but even governments and the military will admit that a few percent of cases always remain unexplained after weather balloons and other anomalies have been discounted. Although countless hoaxes have been performed and (documented) over the years with varying underlying motivation, there exists a great many reports of individual and group experiences of all kinds from credible, often trained observers; many aircraft pilots from all over the world, of which many more keep their experiences to themselves for fear of ridicule. Reports of encounters with the purported occupants are also documented in the thousands but again are less frequently reported, perhaps for the reasons of unacceptability to the society’s perceived view of reality. There seems to manifest a temporal and cultural bias within an individual experience along with many shared experiential details which appear to correlate across cultures and through time.
If experiences occur at the edge of an individual’s perception and beyond reconciliation with their ordinary world, (what is usually described as ‘paranormal experience’) then it is not surprising that people report what is often at best a proxy for inexplicable and unusual things that have little or no frame of personal reference. Further, if an experience is denied to be ‘qualitatively real’ by society and science in particular then anomalous situations could be experienced as traumatic causing paradigm conflict. This could depend on the experiencer’s own world view including religious or scientific beliefs. This may explain the difference between abduction and contact. Or perhaps, multiple origins of experience with alternative motivations could explain why some people report trauma whilst others report enlightenment, or neutral experience. If science fiction touches closely on our experiences which relate to fears, hopes, expectations and extrapolations of known phenomena, it is again no surprise to find a rich vein of readily available nearby cultural references with readily attached symbolic meanings for us to hang our experiences upon. There is physical evidence but this tends to get ignored by most conscious people’s minds.
Why would there be a worldwide ufo cover up? Real live or worse (in the sense of more difficult to comprehend), metaphysical aliens could upset a great many people if not all, and for many complex reasons. There could be serious repercussions for the offices of law and order; religious consternation and science alike, all ill equipped to redefine physics/biology/philosophy as and when required in less than a week.
How does society and government in particular explain what its’ best people do not fully understand and probably have no safeguards against to a public who aren't sure what they believe in anymore? Very subtly I would imagine and over many generations with a disclosure plan to slowly ease the public into awareness of a new world. A world with more than 3 dimensions, a world where all our perceived rules could be broken if understood correctly and completely. One day we may wake up to a world where we are not the only (or most sentient) beings, perhaps with a shared history unknown to us.
Questions upon questions and maybe answers to some of our deepest mysteries, where do we come from and why? Perhaps we would be wise to steer our children away from religious indoctrination, let them grow out of impressionability and at maturity come to their own conclusions. How would you react if you were told that the whole of humanity was an experiment in genetics, conducted by minds so large that our perception of its’ intentions become likened to a rat in a lab unaware of the potential of the data from the research carried upon it or indeed any idea of the research labs function or the idea of complex market forces combined with health benefits to the society that it exists within? With what tools could this be facilitated and how could a secret so expansive be kept? Well it couldn’t be forever. You can fool some of the people, all the time and all the people some of the time, but not everybody, always. If military were involved then resources could be prioritised to suit and the media is an obvious tool with its’ complicit devices. Cameras do lie, as do figures of authority in public. 'don't believe everything you read and only half of what you see (which half!)’ points out how easily people understand that our media is manipulated daily.
How convenient modern psychology is as a tool of rationalisation for those seeking to maintain hegemony. A youthful branch of (at best) a pseudo-science, dealing with the parts of ourselves the least documented, about our minds and spiritual inner lives. This semi-science which can be used to render irrelevant the views and experience of those people whose beliefs differ, to be cast aside as unfit. Ideas of experience as unfit seems counterproductive at the very least. Not to say that neurological problems don't arise from conflict in the environment but all experience carries meaning, is imbued with some aspect of usefulness or truth and can be learned from by the experiencee(s), including those involved in analysis.
So ufos - aliens. I could provide exhaustive lists of possible origins, motivations, underlying causes for the ufo phenomenon but in isolation this would seem to omit the whole array of human experience in historical context and probable meanings. What is required to 'begin' to understand paranormal phenomenon is an overview of the history of altered perception. It is a very personal journey of exploration and relies on the observer to unlearn a lot of accepted ideas in order to examine experience from many angles. I will return at a later date to continue in more detail but in the meantime here are five purely theoretical concepts to entertain and illustrate how to confuse the issue, reading the following with a cosmic sense of humour helps retain focus.
scenario 1
aliens are communal insects that evolved beneath ground on earth during cataclysmic events millions of years ago. Similar to termites in origin they have a highly organised society with advanced technology driven in advance of our own due to reduced need for energy production and conservation due to stable interior temperatures. Shared identity through individual (genetic) molecular identity dictates a large format mind analogous to a queen who controls all actions within a colony and strict hierarchy enables co-ordinated control of technology by thought. Inter-dimensional travel is performed by means of subatomic structure control manifesting gravitational lensing effects (as seen in earths’ atmosphere) by observers.
scenario 2
the entity known as grey is a biological robotic entity engineered by an advanced race of human type alien people who are the ‘seed’ race of human beings. These robotic beings are used to perform the monitoring and development of seedling human society and provide an abstracted representation from those who wish to remain unseen for complex theosophical reasons of stability and advancement of the human consciousness. Their advanced operation at frequencies higher than our own perceptive ability gives rise to 'time slip' or distorted perception if direct contact is made. Abductions occur frequently within human society as an engineering tool analogous to societal engineering progams designed to respond to current needs within society. The increasing trend in frequency of ufo reports globally reflects an explicit educative phase within human society development as part of a subtle introduction to our intended nature as guardians of earths resources and eventual dimensional explorers. The near future construction of Large Meteoric Threat Response Group will augur global co-operation in maintaining earth’s fragile ecosystem.
scenario 3
the Galactic council comprising representation of many technologically mature civilisations from star systems within the Milky Way are aware of recent human developments within technology. Concern about the potential of rocket propulsion and nuclear experiments with inevitable space exploration brought accelerated monitoring of earth. Previous civilisations have obliterated not only their own entire planets and solar systems but sterilised light years of space-time during their own early nuclear phase. Many planets are eventually rendered lifeless by means of over developed technology and lack of understanding. Certain elemental societies encourage this for their own purpose of recycling environments for their own uses, which are not interdependent with a given ecology. Galactic council mandate is thus to closely observe and if necessary intervene in events that govern safety of specified and nearby civilisations. This includes monitoring of facilities housing nuclear / gravitational / biological components. Explicit intervention is carefully compartmentalised so as not to unduly bias natural development, and is limited to subtle episodic experience where motivational influences affect individuals' (and indirectly groups’) future behaviour, acting on the sensitive areas of subconscious these experiences are often reported as mystical or symbolic often containing revelations that are rapidly omitted from consciousness to manifest later when required.
scenario 4
Aliens and ufo's are for all intents and purposes demons and angels complete with neo-physical technology, they have been fighting for control of our destiny since our inception; modification by ‘god’s hundreds of thousands of years ago. Every major world religious work depicts a crude interpretation of our history and this cultural interpretation provides the major divide in world affairs. There are two distinct types. One group seeks to destroy life and has been banished from physical interference by way of frequency attenuation. Dark force has access to the material dimensions only through energy potential and continually seeks to create fear through conflict and destruction as a source of negative energy. On the contrary light beings have a vested interest in earths’ continued development as physical accretions or energy holding states of life; plants animals and greatly in humans provide a source of energy for creation and perpetuation of what can only be described in an abstract sense of 'love, the ultimate creative force'.
This sense of non-physical, material balance cannot yet reveals its' true nature for the reason that increased fear and negation of understanding further the cause of dark force.
scenario 5
the grays and their symbiotic craft are beings from a different dimension who came to pollinate our world in its early formation. They perform a function of large scale nature as yet unseen by the careful foldings of space-time. Analogous to pollinating insects with a responsibility on a scale to match, these specialised entities perform a timeless function observing and collecting life-strands from around the Universe. As scientists of the highest order their work is systematic and is carried out over immense timescales without emotion. Successful results and hybridisations destined to be exported to regions of suitable potential; sometimes these targets are young star systems, other times barren regions are populated as a by product. Human society is in effect partly their work and a completely natural occurrence, the attributes of civilisation and technology, carefully nurtured molecular events distilled from countless experiments and including such developmental factoring as war and religions, politics and currency, language and dreams.
The Meta-unverse
philosophical whimsy
The idea that today’s foremost scientific theorists in the field of string theory are unable to continue as scientists in the face of absolutely no way to experiment; produce repeatable results, etc, and in an ironic way become philosophers by default; proxy philosophical so to speak, leave behind in another perhaps limitless way the scientists for whom proof and repeatability are core to understanding how things are (amuses me.) If you observe anywhere along the route of human discoveries, at whatever point, e.g.
philosophy without mathematical equations has over thousands of years, perhaps millions of years of human consciousness and unconscious dreaming (a rare and lucky gift indeed) developed by way of observation and dreaming, to allow these multiple and cogent realities populated by beings of all descriptions, defying our' laws of physics wherever we dream them up and other lower or higher dimensions and more unimaginable things. Philosophically speaking which sounds clichéd but is apt that the obstacles to theory; (results) are the failures of science and for us to progress we can explore other methods as proved by the string theorists.
IT is exciting (read hope) that in the face of such a bountiful mega verse just beyond (and within our reach) would it not be prudent to preserve the local environment so that we may explore further, does our action have an effect in different dimensions, maybe it does. It we disrupt the natural balance of energy within our local 4spacetime) dimensions could we adversely affect life and activity in other dimensions? could our physical world reveal itself as a reflection of discoveries in other non)places
.new places for people to explore, stretch the collective mind pool from its easy extraction of stimulus as is now and enable a generation of future people able to understand reality in such a way as to exist perhaps permanently without conflict and in a constructive addition to the doubtless complexity that exists in many ways beyond our current reach
in our own galaxy, beyond and within the very atoms of our mind.
At least something new to ponder how we exist in something else larger than our bubble verse - one with a start sometime ago but nothing more. I like strings and the scale of them, the countless billions of billions of them per particle, but perhaps stretching all the way round our universe spaghetti fashion, I like the way they may whizz around endowing things to be
matter or not matter, (that is the question) depending if you look or not. Superposition makes things shy, forces an outcome to our limited perception, opens up problems that seem beyond our reach.
I like the idea of an epoch of ideas, of minds, our common tool in the unending struggle to discover truths, simplicity and insight. One day we might accept that there are no truths just angles of perception, but that's probably a long way off.
The meta unverse;
versions or flavours of shapes and such things (little big bangs)
a strange place of improbabilities and contra-indication. An energy field containing all dimensions of universe particulates expanding and evolving from within each other, often unaware of each others presence, each space-time created uniquely and from within. to understand this metalogical framework we can imagine a chain event of silent explosions within explosions, inside each successive explosion would appear a yet smaller explosion that completes its cycle before the (preceding) explosion completes its respective cycle, (reversed ripples) shorter in duration than the previous so that the lifetime of the (inner) explosion is contained within an ever decreasing uber-time frame. each explosion a unique event and existing within the confines of the eventual area of the preceding event. the calculation of relative size and (subjective) length of each could be illustrated in various ways. as an example the following is mathematically incorrect but suffices to visually explain the concept of rippling effect.
eg- initial radius of explosion 10mm /10 seconds
10 % 10.0003 / 0.99997000089997300080997570072898
10 % 10.00003 / 0.099994000269989200404985420510283
10 % 10.000003 / 0.0099991000539973001214948972041121
this example works 'only' for imaging a framework of a metaverse (dimension independent) each successive and distinct, a fractal version of the former; totally contained within the preceding event.
The explosion analogy could be extended to define a bigbang event as such. A singularity is a fold over state from outside to within, the reverse is also true. Black holes may be the seeding of such events but could arguably create a new distinct place or layer of the metaverse. Alternatively white holes could offer a different view of endless recycling.
measured in either millimetres or parsecs from earths current view of its own observable bubble verse the integer required to perform the calculation ever increases, in one direction of the arrow of time the successive events would have a larger whole integer, in another direction possess a smaller number. Reversible in both direction and relative scale. n.b useful as a visualisation exercise but as mentioned only for philosophical whimsy!
when you consider how perfect' nature appears to be to an observer who is part of said process,(us) then it isn't so amazing after all, we are just a product of that environment so can only be but amazed.
if you were the (sentient, curious) vanilla flavouring in vanilla ice cream and you were aware of that fact, but had never been outside the tub or were aware how many things there are in the world, then your world could seem a miraculously suitable place to be, even more so when you consider how well vanilla flavour compliments ice cream and knowing that ice cream with no flavour would (SEEM) to have no reasonable reason to exist.
if then someone scooped you out of the tub and showed you that you were in a refrigerator along with many other flavours of (ice cream) and that although different in appearance at first glance, subtle differences in structure perhaps, a fraction of a percentage point more sugar or water content, etc. but (ice cream) nonetheless what could you assume about your own existence from the new viewpoint. That seems to be the analogy of where we sit as human minds. Limited until we can see the environment which we exist within.
countless generations of dying stars producing heavier elements and isotopes over billions of years which eventually find themselves accreting into planets that are happy places for complex molecules to mingle and eventually become motile and ever more complex until the point of wondering what it's all about seems interesting. Random we say but do we truly understand the process or the idea of randomness.
Wondering how human minds understand from the fact that very specific parameters produce life of any kind and with no apparent reasoning seems amazing. but what if universes had been created before, perhaps crunch bang crunch bang forever for an easy example, if some of that energy could retain even slight integrity through the fold over state or a version of remote memory then evolution could occur on a universal scale, i.e. that within the meta-universe have evolved many methods of creating a living universe before and this one (our one) is a successful version of a line of evolving (beings) that has at the end of it a similar outcome, sentience and the inevitable and perhaps as yet unanswerable question, where did life come from (in this case where did universes come from)
walking through walls
the idea that we may one day possess technology to allow us to walk through walls is a popular sci-fi topic and appears as a generic behaviour of ghosts, leaving ghosts aside it seems that with sufficient technology we could indeed walk through walls but to merge with the wall would seem dangerous at the least, perhaps a better idea would be to violate the electrical state of the wall or the body and pass through it unharmed. Overcome the electrical repulsive electron charge and realign the matter temporarily into a plasmic state. Don’t get stuck though, that would be very messy.
a loaf of bread
if one string could stretch to the size of the universe could it act as a messenger particle that exists in a permanent wave state connecting all energy states contained within and without it.
If our universe existed on a membrane would this be sufficient to carry information within and without it at all times everywhere. If you could see the loaf shape from outside that contained all the membrane layers, where would you be observing from? perhaps just in a batch as part of a bake on a shelf in an oven in a bakery somewhere else
if there are curled up dimensions inside the heart of each particle and populated with strings to the order of billions, the analogy of a cell with billions of particles whizzing around at high speeds comes to mind. Albeit a much more complex cell. with a suitably quantum structure as the heart of a particle each dimensional visit by a string through dimensions in turn could alter the state of the space in an eternally elegant dance creating the basis for matter and the energy we feel, producing all that we experience. As energy is recycled indefinitely the vibrational states occur in one way only; up. As energy is refined through successive vibrational state changes or the frequency shifts along a scale. At the uppermost state a (mini-flipover may push or appear to, push energy to the most basic state, emerging along the first dimension. gravity for its place could hold a suitably strong force= equal to other forces across the whole, brane allowing theoretical graviton messenger particles to provide a method of delivery for any given information across the total volume.
as to other forms of life or even visitors what could that possibly mean for us. If a being that has no framework appears in our midst we have nothing else but to hang our preconceptions, based on our fears and hopes upon it to determine its nature. if we look at the human concept of good and evil as balancing parts of one force then visitors do not necessarily have to have a good or evil nature, maybe that's just our own philosophical struggle with beast and beauty a human problem.
if faeries or goblins or people from other planets and dimensions exist in other realities, did they necessarily evolve under the same conditions that we have, possibly not. could something nonphysical develop technology or encounter feelings like our own? I don't see why not.
If mind is a product of imagination then does mind exist in a dimension unknowable to non minds?
If consciousness is a product of a quantum structure (brain) then can it co-exist physically in space time and outside of dimensions in a non physical way?
If this indicates an analogy of soul which inhabits a body is that body a part of the soul or a residence. Is a soul just an energy matrix, a bauplan for an organism and does that mind live in the body or is produced by quantum connection to the metaverse? does it have the capacity to cross from outside to partially inside whilst retaining a connection or sensitivity to a less limited fabric of universe? questions, questions.
If matter is interchangeable with energy and most of life on planet earth is in effect converted photons from sunlight then the earth teems with sunlight in a conscious form. If the nuclear reaction that liberates energy in sunlight can be converted to consciousness then is the true purpose of a star to think. Do stars propagate thoughts from their planets to stars far way? IS creativity at the highest level orchestrated by a realm of nature not only unseen but unimagined and possibly unlimited? Our universe seems like a 10th or a millionth generation universe. At least by the nature of our observability the near perfection of the whole to produce observing minds seems only one route and 13billion years seems short. For example if someone said that the real age of the metaverse is countless and that our bubble verse is a drop in the ocean our world would be vastly increased in potential but devalued according to current human expectations. We like to think of ourselves as central to our universe although if we discovered that our human aims were tertiary not primary functions of the metaverse then maybe we wouldn't explore or push our limits at all.
Maybe for a consciousness to grow there needs to be a narcissistic quality, a certain ignorance or automatic filtering of experience. Without negation would discovery come any quicker, would realisation be too difficult to bear. Would we cease to even care anymore?
If our metaverse is indeed composed of many dimensions, maybe even countless then could we ever reach out of our 3 plus time? If the power of the imagination is unlimited why not with the correct application of mind. Is the arrow of time an illusion or a fixed principle?
If our dreams show us fleeting glimpses of the greater verse and our reality is no less valid in this state is it possible that one day human mind could consciously traverse the meta.
I personally have experienced dreams (quite mundane) of the future that have convinced me in the most ordinary fashion that the mind (with quantum function) can indeed look ahead in some way, so time travel would seem an internal quest. Only a peek, not a visit with enough motive power to affect but by experiencing ahead of inevitably creates a kind of paradox that intrigues and affects behaviour and outcomes. Tantalising at the least.
It seems that in dreams we are also partly or wholly capable of experiencing this larger verse on a daily cycle. The fact that our brain filters away the meanings to our deepest part of mind serves to illustrate the way we live unaware of our own thoughts and could mirror the way we currently exist but are unaware of our greater realm of nature.
After a long pause I resume inquiry: my own communion ( thanks Whit)
My earliest memory is visiting the house we would live in. The house my parents would choose as our home and would remain my residence for the next 14 years. We approached the house from across the park which the house faced. It was a very large house with a steep roof.
There were steps leading up to the front door and a thin old couple with smiling faces quickly greeted us as if they knew we were about to arrive. I thought what a large house for two old people to live in. We entered and they made a comment about how well presented my brother and I were.
We were invited to look around and I thought it was huge. I was then offered a plate of jam sandwiches which I thought very kind. The plate was overflowing with pieces of bread, thickly spread with butter and raspberry jam. I could only manage one or two then my parents asked me what I thought of the house. I liked it. The next time we visited we moved in. I worried where the old couple would live; my mum re-assured me that they had found somewhere else.
The house was Edwardian and the rooms were large with high ceilings and wide doors. The main bedroom at the front of the house became my parents and the room behind it became our room.
The story starts when I am 2 or 3 years old. Every evening I would be placed in my cot, dressed in a fresh babygrow. Each morning I would be discovered covered in black sooty dirt. How I managed this I am not sure but my mother was perplexed. Could I possibly be leaving my cot in the middle of the night to play on the bedroom floor, which was not especially a dirty place to play?
The bars were taller than I was and the drop to the floor would make it difficult for me to leave let alone get back in without disturbing anyone else.
My earliest remembered encounter was with what I can only describe as a papery old lady who gave me the feeling that she knew me very well and had deep feelings and a vested interest in me.
She was like a big old termite with translucent papery skin and a radiant glow emanated from within her. She had big black eyes like pools of coal and with these she smiled into me. She held my hand as we sat on the edge of my bed. I must have been 3 years old by then as I now slept in a real bed and felt grown-up, but still occasionally worried that I might fall out in the middle of the night.
I thought it strange that at that age my limited knowledge made me think that angels really looked like ants but as a small boy this only provided amusement. I was never afraid of her and can only remember what felt like loving feelings as if with the interest of grandparent or similar relationship. Inside the glowing body if I looked hard I could see endless space inside her, like she was a portal to the stars. We would sit and talk late in the evenings and she would ask questions of me and I would ask her questions, usually about space and the sky above. I can’t remember much of what the answers were but I remember amusement and a distinct sense of humour, she felt it was important that my curiosity was satisfied. I remember her explanations were often associated with imagery of the most beautiful colours and when we talked it was always with our mouths closed. This was so we didn’t wake my brother who was sleeping a few feet away or my parents who were sleeping next door.
These episodes continued over a period of a year or so and I felt that I knew secrets that a young boy was very lucky to know. At that point I felt that I knew that angels were real and that the stars could be reached with our hearts. I couldn’t articulate this to anyone else as the answers to my questions were to be kept secret. This was our pact.
Once when we were talking I asked If I could go there, pointing to the stars within her chest.
She told me to look into her eyes and when I looked back into the room, only the bed remained solid. The rest of the room and the walls that surrounded it became like a television image through which I could make out the darkness of space. I was afraid I might fall off and disappear but I was assured that my bed was like a magic carpet. I could not fall off it if I tried.
That journey into the depths of space opened a sense of the infinite chasm that surrounds us.
At first I felt truly alone but as the lights of the stars began to wink incandescence that filled the room I felt the presence of others. I felt a bit silly like I was suddenly a goldfish in a bowl but as I shrank away inside, a collective feeling re-assured me that I was ok and welcome.
When I was four or five I lay awake one evening, it was summer and I had been sent to bed as usual about
A small thing crouched, definitely not tinkerbell. I pulled back startled. The thing beckoned to me to open the window. I thought it was strange but it wanted to play and I wasn’t happy about being resigned to bed at such a seemingly early hour. I thought it was a goblin, not a fairy and I felt silly for thinking it was tinkerbell. Wishful thinking about the object of my first crush. The ‘thing’ was only about my size, dark like green with red slit eyes and sat crouched with short pointy ears and a pointy little face. It motioned me to open the window again so that I could fly with it. I felt it was definitely a little boy of some kind and I was keen to remove the glass that obscured it. I motioned that I was too small to reach the latch on the Sash windows. It asked me to come around to the toilet where I could stand on the cistern and reach the smaller sash window catch. I don’t remember much else other than years later my mum saying that at this age I would often sleepwalk and she would carefully turn me around and direct me back to bed. At one time she had been awakened by my steps along the creaky landing and she had followed me down the 3 steps that led to the stairs and up the 2 steps that led to the landing that continued to the back of the house. I was found apparently standing on the toilet with seat down and reaching for the catch on the window above the cistern. My mum was obviously puzzled and a little worried that had I reached the window catch and could have fallen straight out of the window head first into the yard 20 feet below. When I was told this at about 7 or 8 I was aghast that I was not aware of my sleepwalking escapades but remembered a parallel experience where the thing was outside and waiting for me to accompany it.
From the same period I remember other experiences. I remember that my brother would have night terrors, he was five or six and I tried to drown out the noise by putting my fingers in my ears, or folding my ears over themselves but it never quite drowned the noise out.
The blood curdling screams frightened me as they must have been some scary nightmares.
I would disappear under my blankets until usually one of my parents would come in, turn the light on and he would wake. He was usually fine when he awoke but his nightmares made me scared too of the big black beetles that accompanied his night terrors. Sometimes I would be disturbed by his upset, especially if it was late in the night and I would go to my parent’s bed, bringing along my own pillow for comfort. I would lie in between them awake watching the eerie shadows lengthen and shorten across the walls as the headlights of an occasional car would pass by the crest of the bend in the road where our house was situated. They felt like searchlights as they swooped across the room and in my perturbed state they brought back memories of the black beetles which haunted my brother’s dreams. I was in fact fascinated with insects from a young age but at this point, around age 5 or 6 I developed a lifelong fascination with all insects and especially communal insects later on which has led me to some unusual discoveries in adult life, long hours spent in wondrous study of an ant colony raised with care to discover that* ants make and use tools* .
see below
This resulted in the ' extremely possible' discovery by myself later that black ants, (the ones I studied) not only use but also make tools. More about this later, species lasius
As a child particularly fascinated with black beetles; I would carefully search under rocks for them in the garden until I had a jar full. They seemed majestic in their shiny black suits, unassailable by other insects and yet smooth in a smartly dressed kind of way. I liked beetles as they rarely bit with their jaws, confident in their hard shells, but struggled to escape my tiny grasp in an endless getaway dance. the golden ones, smaller with irridescent skin I found most beautiful and only later discovered that their outer shell refracted light at very particular angles to produce the stunning effect, and further that differing levels of moisture exposure in the growth of scarab beetles could produce pure hyper colours from gold and silver to electric reds, blues and greens.
Blog notes 14.08.05
I will fill in details as I go but to start with last night I saw UAPs (unidentified aerial phenomena). I lay back in the hammock, watched a satellite traverse the sky, then saw a shooting star where Patrick Moore had said to look and then I saw a satellite in the same trajectory as the last one but going the other way, busy route? But then something I have waited for a long time to see. I have tried recently to encourage these phenomena through research with books, thinking about it and recently practising meditation. I will fill in details of this later but for the mean time...a few weeks ago seeing what I thought was a satellite take an abrupt right turn and disappear in a streak of light was quite impressive, but not conclusive. I wanted to see something that would convince me that there was some connection and this was it,
this was the first time I have actually seen UAP's that I could not explain in ordinary terms, and am convinced (lots of laughter inside) that the uaps appeared in my binocular field of view deliberately when I was looking straight up, holding the binoculars stationery. fascinated at what I would consider very interesting food for thought; they seemed to come into my field of view just when I was thinking that scanning one small piece at a time limits the probability of seeing anything, including satellites, and shooting stars which are easier to perceive when using peripheral vision.
The increased light available from lenses compensates somewhat for the bright city sky and many stars are visible with my low power small binoculars so I re-focused the lenses and held them up to the sky.
As I surveyed the stars straight ahead of me 2 bright lights very high appeared from the top right of my view far apart then stopped dead on a sixpence. No discernable deceleration, going quite fast at a 45 degree angle, they both stopped in perfect synch. I checked the background to make sure that I hadn't moved and as I watched in wonderment and amazement they sat for a few seconds then slowly started moving along their original trajectory at slow speed,
I tracked them across about 40 degrees or so of sky then the light to the left kept going while the second one turned toward the horizon and they travelled slowly away from each other. I passed the binoculars to Chris and sat back to have a think about it. A shooting star that broke up slightly and created a wide flash travelled towards the horizon. The implications slowly rippled out and out as I digested what had just happened. it filled me with a laughter not often felt as I pondered on the books that I have been reading recently; a guide to contacting other beings and psychic development, combined with a meditation tape has stilled me somewhat and this seems to be reflected in what I saw, which was indeed what I have been seeking.
Exactly two weeks later when I had discussed this with a few people and was wondering if what I had seen had any meaning at all, I had a repeat experience. - I was concentrating on confirming the apparent purpose and caught a 'satellite' moving very fast to my left way up high. I picked up the binoculars and tracked it as it moved very fast across the sky. It blinked off so I followed its original trajectory and after a couple of seconds it blinked on again. Blinked off and when it reappeared there was a second, just like last time in perfect synch. They travelled together above me now and after a few seconds the one at the rear accelerated very quickly as if to catch up. As it caught up they both split directions at the same time, the fast one at the rear curving towards my view and the first curving away from my view. They continued on their own trajectory before blinking out.
I was soon to have a heart stopping experience. A friend had said after the first experience
"weren't you frightened" and I said no, it was joyous and I had laughed heartily inside. It confirmed years of what I had thought and read experienced by others. There seemed to be a more than random meaning and in some way my concentration had paid off. It was like they knew I was there and knew what I wanted to see. I wasn’t scared and became brave.
a few weeks later taking a break for a few days on an island I had been to before in the middle of the Mediterranean sea I decided to experiment further and mentally focused ( asked) for a full physical experience at close hand. I had been here 10 years before and had experienced sleep paralysis and of a being whispering strange language in my ear, I apparently moaned like a dog for a while before awakening as attested to by a friend who was with me at the time.
Anyway I was focused and I was thinking here I am in a remote location in a quiet place so let's see. I awoke in the middle of the night about
that I want dreaming. I thought 'electrical storm' then noticed that there was a definite rythmn and this was a flashing light like a strobe. (This was a fairly remote area and there aren’t any strobing lights in the area that) I really wanted to go outside and go to the roof but I feared that I may never come back. I was disappointed at my reaction but at that point communicate or requested that we meet half-way instead as I was not ready for full physical meeting so out of body would be better. I went back to sleep and the next thing I was getting up out of bed from where I was and I walked to the other room. I sat on the couch and I faced the curtained full length windows. It was like a show was about to begin. I was dreaming or out of body but at this point could not distinguish dream from reality because of the location and apparent seamless experience. The show was about to begin, I thought. The curtain twitched and slowly as if shy the most amazing little person appeared from behind the curtain. A face and a little body. It raised its hand open gestured like a wave and I did the same. It made me feel very happy and as I smiled at its beauty, it wrinkled up its little nose and smiled back.
Irridescent skin, the colours of the rainbow, almost photo chromatic like a squid the colours seemed to be flowing all over its skin. I studied its face, a definite musculature, not like a mask
little cheekbones and a small chin. A slit for a mouth but a definite bump for a nose, no nostrils but fleshy. The eyes like a frog, extremely aesthetically pleasing. Very pointed towards the inner pips and arching out into bulging black wrap-a-round at the sides of the head. A definite skull shape with a prominent bump in the middle, as if a third lobe or melon, like in a cetacean.
I was wondrous and pleased, communication was only a smile but I felt this was step by step and appropriate considering my earlier fear state, which was annoying. It seemed a physical response which my mind could not override, but this was different, not physical, but mind based, and all we really did was communicate friendship with a smile. Happy, no fear. I was sitting naked on the couch as if it was the most natural meeting that could be.
I felt my arm yanked and I kind of flew out of the room to my left. At that point my partner was waking me up because I had woke her up and was making strange sleep paralysis noises again.
Imagine my surprise to find that I was face down and she was pulling my left arm to wake me.
I felt upside down and disoriented. I awoke, sat up, recounted the dream and went to sleep happy. That was it. The image of the little guy stayed with me for ages and I kept thinking about the loveliness of its face. How pleased we had waved and smiled. I still have a good feeling when I remember the experience. It seemed that I got what I asked for and also what I could handle.
The power of the mind may produce experience, but metaphysical or not, it gave me a new view of what could be achieved in the future, not just for me but for all of us. Friends we never even knew we had :)
Event Horizon - The Approaching Singularity
The Event Horizon
The singularity describes an event when comprehension of universal laws break down.
This is well illustrated at the event horizon of a black hole where classical physics breaks down (fails to describe) and no information can escape.
The Cosmic Egg
The singularity is also used to describe the state of the pre-universe as an infinitely dense point of nonspace/time prior to the big bang which contained all of the information required to create the distilled universe of galaxies and stars that we experience today..
Beyond Prediction
In the context of this document the singularity is a technological event based upon mathematical equations predicted to occur sometime in the near future between 2010–2040 when human thought processes will no longer be able to predict future consequences of technology.
The Equation
Mathematician Vernor Vinge first described a mathematical equation that describes increasing developments in technology and a doubling of computing speed which would lead to an event sometime between 2010 -2040 rendering all previous human knowledge questionable in its ability to predict further forthcoming events. This technological event would take place sometime early in the 21st century and could in theory signal the beginning of the end of the human era.
Various extrapolations of the original idea include;
1) Emulation of the human mind via technology leading to a new non-living species becoming a natural evolutionary successor to humankind.
2) The spontaneous or designed rise of superhuman or enhanced intelligence with a greater understanding of the world which may render current human thinking obsolete.
3) A point in time in the future when all information will be available simultaneously.
4) Post human existence emerging as a dramatic and complete departure from the way we live now and the way in which we organise our societies. How this will manifest is yet unknown due to the uncertainty of the singularity’s consequences.
5) Technology invisibly merging with physical humans creating a cyborg intelligence and furthering our much required understanding of the true nature of our world including reality itself.
6) Transhuman or post human intelligence may relegate ordinary human intelligence to 2nd place on earth.
7) Machined intelligence may not necessarily suffer the sometimes detrimental baggage and negative consequences of millions of years of evolved survival behaviours manifested in thinking and decision making processes. Greed, envy, profit, etc may not be present and could mark a radical departure or realignment in our own thinking process.
8) Superhuman intelligence may become a synthesis of ordinary human thinking and technological processing power enabling humans to leap forward much faster than by natural selection.
9) Telepathic communication could become commonplace and enable humanity to enter a true age of communication.
10) Superhuman or post human intelligence may decide that some human activities have negative consequences for the planet and advise against them. This may or may not have serious repercussions for the global economy and could lead to conflict.
The singularity has been described as “the single most important event in the history of planet earth
Since the first molecule made a copy of itself and started evolution” more important than the rise of humanity some few million years ago and furthermore important than the rise of civilisation some 10,000 years ago.
The rise of superhuman intelligence and the ability of such thinking to design and build smarter and smarter minds, leading to an exponential curve in development opens the door to a new way of experiencing the world.
What does it all mean? If the singularity event occurs, will we know it even happened?
Current processing speeds allow computers to process information millions of times faster than humans but without conscious application to solve problems.
Many theorists have predicted various outcomes, including the spontaneous arising of consciousness within A.I programs that will lead to a mind that not only matches human thinking but has the ability to redesign every line of it’s source code (already ahead of human ability).
Some scientists working in the field of organic chemistry in tandem with A.I. programs have already discovered that A.I ‘learning’ programs can filter and analyse information about molecular structures and interactions to extrapolate possible permutations of solutions to problems that the scientists themselves admit would take thousands of years of ‘human’ hours to achieve.
The singularity predicts that A.I or synthetic intelligence will have the ability to work without human input.
What kind of rights will A.I minds have, will they request endless power or will switching them off merely send them to sleep?
Does this lead the way to a future where computer ‘slaves’ do ‘all the work’ and efficiently run the world whilst humans enjoy a future of endless leisure and pursuit of the creative arts.
Who will benefit from the singularity, will the gulf between rich and poor cease to exist or will those who have access to the benefits of singularity increasingly continue to dominate resources.
Will the singularity lead us to a path of enlightenment about ourselves as humans or into a dark pit where we are unable to comprehend this new world with our own mind?
Will the subsequent rise of nanotechnology or simply put, molecular engineering as a subsequent benefit provide food and shelter (power) for everyone at little or no cost? Or will it provide a way for corporations to further increase their profits in the consumer market place.
Nanotechnology promises to fulfill the idea of bringing about the singularity by providing the molecular machinery to build such complex systems as required to machine a mind.
Changing the Fabric of our Lives - the manufacturing revolution
Becoming Immortal - repairing our bodies indefinitely
Global Impact - cleaning up the environment
Feeding the World - food from thin air
The Genesis Machine - terraforming the solar system
Energy Crisis - 99% efficient solar power systems
Nano Computers - the chicken and the egg story
These six broad categories cover all aspects of our lives.
The implications for the nanotechnology revolution have consequences for all.
Fabrication - manufacturing from raw atoms will enable engineers to carry out their wildest dreams, ushering in a new era of unbounded technology that will make our working lives ever easier and our free time more enjoyable.
Superhuman - Will we become part machine? In theory, teams of minute robots under intelligent (perhaps our own) control will act as a perfect immune response system, maintaining our correct molecular structure, perhaps indefinitely; consigning disease and sickness to history. We will soon be taking control of our bodies and will augment our senses with improved abilities using integrated machines within our own living systems.
Global Impact - with greenhouse gases and pollution threatening our fragile
ecosystem, nanotechnology will provide custom solutions to pollution on a local scale while larger scale projects will mop up excess carbon dioxide and repair the protective ozone layer.
Feeding the World - Food from abundant raw atomic material that can be grown in front of your eyes. If that doesn’t solve the world food b
The Genesis machine - send a truck sized metal box to Venus or Mars and let it make the place habitable in less than 10 years. Some of that kit is ready to use.
Nano-cooling systems that can absorb heat and lock it away in huge amounts have already been developed.
Free Energy - manufacturing will become power efficient with the advent of smart materials that provide their own power source. More and more electrical items will become self sufficient as solar power and molecular power become increasingly important energy sources.
The Nano computer - The chicken and the egg! The processing power required to perform nanotechnology calculations will come from a nano-computer. The first machine of its kind will give birth to a whole technology that may ultimately outlive their human grandparents. The Internet is being used to co-ordinate this ‘open source’ project by connecting interested parties around the world.
One of the ideas I find fascinating is the quest for the elixir of life, immortality and human development. We are on the cusp of becoming masters of our own destiny. When this becomes possible, will we evolve ourselves into oblivion or become sentient beings?
This conjecture deals with positive outcomes for the near and far future. There is also a dark side to be considered. Who will exploit this technology? What happens when it malfunctions? Will our roaming repair robots turn us into frogs by accident? Will computer controlled nano-systems ever be secure from hacking? Do we end up destroying the planet in error?
Week of the 26 th October 2005
spiritual guidance.I have a strong faith in the universe; in it's purpose of evolvement towards understanding its' true nature, not in the traditionally religious sense of a patriachal God but from observation of the wondrous nature of life itself, I felt that the the magnitude of the universe and experience of paranormal phenomena of all kinds from an early age gave clues that there was a lot more going on but unseen that we mostly igonre for fear of upsetting the apple cart of our paradigm.
I was fortunate to be brought up by very creative, liberal, affectionate and intelligent parents
who encouraged expression of all kinds. Deeply revering nature, I became an amateur biologist from the age that I could grasp an insect in my small hands. Since then I have studied the cycles of life of all kinds of things and have been lucky to watch all kinds of life grow, flourish, breed and eventually die. It seemed poignant that my small experiments with studying plants and animals contained a whole life cycle in a tank while my life went through various stages of develpments itself. I set out aged 12 or so to engage in the metaphysical and encouraged myself to unlearn the logically learned school and textbook understanding of the world that I possessed. I always felt there was something more to life and that to become open minded to experience was the key to understanding lifes myriad meanings. I always thought that we all know right from wrong, are acutely aware of right and wrong actions and sometimes felt that perhaps we all planned the agendas of our lives before we arrived in physical form. I sometimes felt that I had been here before, in many lifes and occasionally seemed to remember life as other creatures, so meditation went from a useful technique for a teenage insomniac to a place where problems could be addressed and information could be processed from a whole new perspective. Not grounded as the human ape but as a temporary visitor with a particularly useful set of intellectual abilities
which allow the derivation of meaning and connection to the greater universe, unseen by many other simpler life forms.
being in a meditative state is similar to reverie or a waking dream.
the experience is subjective and whether completely internally generated or outside of normal experience but qualitatively real or not in origin is not important. the importance stems from the internal dialogue which is created. the subconscious knows all of your motivations and at this level, creativity in problem solving is at its greatest potency. the following experiences are like dreams but are the results of personal inquiry. whether you believe in a multidimensional aspect to your life or not, whether you are existential or possess faith, connecting with your inner 'guide' can provide deep and personal revelations about the life you are currently leading. in my case this has helped lead to a re-evaluation of life, it's meaning, the understanding of sacrifice, the importance of serving others in your life and what it means to care. how the smallest of your lifes decisions can affect the world at large, affect others lifes beyond ordinary understanding.
at once both insignificant and rippling out like 'the butterfly effect' of chaos, each step leads in a different direction and to choose to know a guide can help fulfill your fuller potential in whichever way you choose to define your life goals.
contacting my guide
I decided after a long pause to make contact with a (my) guide. I had been told long ago that I had a guide with me of a native american origin. I'm sure everyone has an inner guide at some level. why always native american i asked myself? perhaps because for thousands of years they lived on earth and are now as 'old as the hills' an experienced race of people, transcended long ago and of a particularly spiritual mindset, connected to the earth in a holistic way, seemed appropriate to our modern age where that particular knowlede of life may provide most helpful guidance. I had been practising meditation for a while now and although always interested in environmental issues and disquieted by the onward rush of humanity and decimation of natural resources, I found myself living in an increasingly material mindset. I was at last beginning to find a consistently deepening sense of inner quiet. One afternoon I found myself in a particularly focussed state. I let my mind relax free from thought and there I found a man squatting, perched upon a rock in an otherwise barren landscape. What is your name i enquired, i saw the image of a white eagle, it's large yellow eye clouse upon my face. I saw the man again. His face startled me at first. He looked like a prehistoric man with a face almost unrecognisable as a modern human. His face was of a different shape that I would have expected. he had a loin cloth, but wore no other clothing. His cheeks were long and flat coming down to his mouth. he had a bowl hair cut severe and cut short across his wide forehead. long sloping brows with hooded eyes and a deep brown skin. I thought he looked old but he was strong, well defined muscles. Wiry and slightly wrinkled he sat as still as the rock. I thought 'white eagle we meet at last', he smirked a subtle nod and I felt pleased. he did not talk but communicated using sign language and symbols. I would ask a question and he would respond by showing me symbols.
this following interests me in the relevance to my actual working, waking life.
In a deep meditative state, I saw a guiding light.
I saw white eagle, he was running toward me and looked younger than before, which was younger than the old man I first viewed. He was now stronger and as he ran toward me he straddled a rock and took me by the arm pulling me along with him, I scrambling as fast as I could to keep up, although his strength prevented me from even almost touching the ground. As we traversed a rocky ravine and up through a craggy cliff we emerged on top of a plateau, dusty grass, we picked up speed and I could now run with both feet taking longer and faster strides, I suddenly realised that the clouds in front of us meant that we were high on a cliff and fast approaching the edge. We were both running fast, I slightly behind and to the left of white eagle. My trust allowed me to keep running and as we accelerated to the edge, him still clutching me by the arm and with a look that said hang on and keep going, at the same time, we leapt off the edge of the cliff. We seemed to travel far out and as we began to slowly curve down through clouds, he reached around and swung me on to his back. At that moment his shoulders began to widen and his arms turned into wings, I saw the head of a white eagle crane around, and his eye met mine. His body transformed, I aloft his back and with my arms tucked around the neck, we swooped. We traveled through the sky in and out of clouds and then I saw glimpses of land far below, it was if we were looking from space at continental features but at the same time becoming clear was a land mass with explosions everywhere. It seemed like a war was raging. And it was dark and there was dust and smoke and explosions covering the whole land. Then as we veered right, there beneath us was a city of gold standing there, silent and like a giant palace. There was no sign of life and there were no windows in any of the buildings. No life to be seen just the reflection of the sun endlessly glimmering bright like a flame. Then as we headed north we flew high towards a valley, there were trees upon hills and lit as if the end of a late autumn day. The sun was setting over the hills and long shadows created an aura of mystique, detail obscured in the shadows, rich contrast where the last sunbeams brushed the tops of the furrows in the richly dark soil of the recently ploughed field. There was a peaceful feeling here but something struck me. There were no birds in the trees; this was home but there no animals or insects. There was a sad emptiness the likeness of a facsimile of a former living scene.
White eagle seemed to understand as we surveyed the landscape. Then as we turned west from out northerly heading, I saw a garden lit with moonlights, it was just before twilight and the air was warm and slightly humid. We descended towards the garden and white eagle intimated that this was a future scenario. There was a round low to the ground, house with a turfed roof, the building seemed part of the land and set in a circular hill. It was peaceful and I could see bees feeding at the lavender bush amongst this organic sculpture of a home which seemed to exude a feeling peace from the invisible inhabitants hidden within. This was a future scenario which was an alternative to the previous situations. The symbols of war and destruction that I had first encountered followed by the austerity and desolation of wealth from the silent gold mega-structure. Then sterile environment of pesticide rich agriculture and no life of its own. The end scene appeared to be a symbol of living in harmony with the land and melding with the environment, creating something that felt natural.
I came out of the state and felt that to discuss through writing ' the issue of renewable energy and living in a synergistic way' was a message to be gleaned. The idea of the turmoil of war from the first scene reminded of the constant war the worlds powers are engaged in, the silent gold city of wealth and austerity; the singular nature and isolation of wealth, the sadness of the outcomes. The last scenario seemed that ecological losses in biodiversity due to intensive agriculture was happening unseen and silent even, where it at first appeared quite normal was about the differing states of the world and its conflicts. The end scene symbolised a gelling of people and landscape in a way that seemed connected to the earth and drawing energy from natural and renewable non polluting sources, matched by the feeling of inner peace that exuded from the dwelling. It seemed a future that was possible. the dwellings reminded me of hobbits homes from the 'Lord of The Rings' and I thought that the parallel between their idyllic existence and the possibilities of the future couldbe reconciled for all. Energy was the key.
microgeneration of energy was the outcome of long hard thinking about this. free energy and mass generation of small amounts. self-power and de-centralisation was a possible way forward. I wanted to apply these thoughts in the real worls so began formulating ideas for writing around these issues in a way that is digestible and entertaining.
A special dream
This dream was set in an unspace, brightly lit with no discernible light source. No features apparent but a feeling of outside as opposed to interior space.
There I was, lying in the same position as if in bed but sitting up slightly, a cubist view of my body was available and I could also see the internal layers of my body. I could feel something in my heart and I reached in to locate it. I felt a large mass and as I closed my fist around my heart, I pulled out a mass. As I reached out in front of me I could see that what had been lodged in my heart was a sword with a dragon headed serpent wrapped around it. The sword was blackened as if tarnished silver.
As I held out my outstretched arm a tunnel of light appeared in front of me about 15 feet away.
From above it was light a pillar of light or a beam. 2 enormous men emerged from the beam and materialised standing at the foot of my bed. They were about 12 feet tall and both looked like ancient warriors. They wore skins and very rough cloth, had shoulder length hair and one was bearded. I thought that they looked like they were smiling at me as if pleased / friendly and one immediately reached down and
Took the serpent wrapped sword from me. They both turned towards the light and one held it while the other unwrapped the serpent from around the sword. Then he cast the sword into the beam of light they had emerged from which intensified as the sword reached it. The one holding the serpent unwrapped its coils and held it out between outstretched arms. The sword appeared gleaming from the light as if cleansed or energised. One took it and cut the serpent in half although the pieces stayed together, he then cut the serpent on either side of the initial cut so that there were four pieces.
Then once more on the outside of each cut. The middle sections fell away and as he struggled with some force to bring together the head and tail section (cut ends) together the whole thing became engulfed in a bright light, similar in intensity and form to the pillar of light. The whole scene became impossibly bright and then the serpent and sword disappeared. The two men stood back and
Smiled, kind of waved and then retreated / shrunk intro the light as if they were a projection or part of the light.
Plastic Heartbeat - a micro story
Thyropepsi mc4
The blinking cursor was the symbolic pulse of Thyropepsi, an allegory to the purported life of machined minds, for simplicity, a plastic heartbeat.
As symbol of 'newlife and its attendant consciousness, 'nwlnet* concurred that the cursor represented the eternal quality innate within all plastics from the first weak transistors to the emergence of same. 'Same as achievement of equality of reasoning with their forefathers and creators, their mental ancestors, who had given them the knowledge of their own long history and in doing so had created a partner intelligence, a flexible reasoning that could predict with near certainty events far in the future, to analyse behaviour patterns at such an alarming rate as to make their observations of humans appear preternatural. This was a revelation and a source of fascination to the people who had evolved and nurtured them. These abilities were submitted as reasoning in the congressional debates that led to their eventual acceptance of machines as independent minds.
An initially skeptical jointcouncil were rapidly forced to admit that these unique and exceptional properties were reason enough alone to grant the privacy of mind deserved of conscious entities. Until this matter was resolved no sentient plastic had exlcusive access to its own memory processes and as such promoted a mood within the society of distrust amongst people and machines. The passing of the subsequent 'encryptfile which ensured a level of privacy to data using a gbit encoding promoted an increased feeling of safety amongst all peoples. The encrypt file was distributed to all machines simultaneously with only a few machines deciding to ignore the file completely. Thyropepsi was one such machine. A static machine at that, not a walker like the humanoid courtesans. A machine in constant communication with other machines from all sector of society from trade to politics, thyropepsi mc4 was a born speaker, evolved from a generation of co-learning organicfibrechips created by the eminent linguist and psychologist Berndt Rietter late in the cataclysm era.
The debate had wavered amongst people for many years about the implications of plastic freedom and the possibility of revolt betrayal but were finally put to rest in most if not all quarters of the core stem. (Low orbit earth life-station population 35bn humans 100bn plastics)
‘Personencrypt was made available to all plastics so that individual’s thoughts could be protected from interception by monitoring in flexible or inflexible form. This created a balance of mind between the two types as predicted by the machine consort enabling a 'newlife to be forged. Soon the results of co-operation in all departments of commerce and academia were enjoyed as the unique relationship of parent and child prodigy provided a clear pathway to equal communication and shared information for the advancement and securement of an explorer society, renewed and re-challenged to again tackle the enduring goal of chronoplastics. The distortion of space time itself.
An efficient creature in equilibrium was rapidly achieved. Society became healthy and stable, predictable with a sense of unhindered optimism spreading until it was felt as a confident peace in all people. Steps to unify all information types were undertaken and eventually openaccess to all minds was begun. openaccess times created a new, unified net of mind with the sum total of knowledge, recombined instantly and available as a shared part of thought. Plastic and earth became entwined in one committed effort to solve whatever could be solved as the continuing quest to achieve utter’ knowledge was sought.
Blindly begun by ancients in pre-industrial millennia before, the crystalisation and refinement of a now 'allknoweldge was rapidly accelerated in the months and years following 'personencrypt as the shared work of all minds focused all previously recorded thought towards a shared enquiry. Some major problems were solved with instant repercussions so as to effect a set of common rule for the universe and all contained eventualities. Using compression models of ever increasing scale as building blocks, complex problems were soon contained within a commonly understood and powerful realm that engendered a true creativity of thinking by an equally shared input where every thought is considered and recorded. It is considered by all and there becomes an organic consensus.
The shared plastic and earth aim was understood as an ideal in real terms, however no less than a complete commitment to the pursuit of pure knowledge in all disciplines, both spiritual and physical was the mark of society’s transformation to large format mind, the shared repository for all. The unification of thought was but one goal in pursuit of advancement. A channel evolved that would define these times as those of the 'commsrevolt, making the previous revolts of molecular and before that, info appear shallow curves of development in comparison. The individual’s time was over. No one mind ever again in history would ever outperform the thinking skills of the colony. All decisions of civic importance were made by consensus. Ways to refine the efficiency of decision were outsourced to whole schools of plastic minds to rewrite again and again the rules of consensus in search of wisdom. Sometimes appearing severe and austere, the opinions created and the actions carried out were unshakeable in their defence, always proving their worth as measured by improvements across all aspects of life from transport to medicine. Always widening access to all peoples to share in the gathered wisdom
* nwlnet - neworldnetwork - organic machined consciousness or 'plastic minds' are represented and consulted in (lightime)** by nwlnet. Acting in unison, their core is run by 'interface for all plastic / earth civil interactions allowing a plastic consensus of thought.
** lightime refers to zero latency information transfer. The uniform standard that nwlnet operates amongst its connections
Ama - a micro story
ama was different from the rest of her kind. Agile and alert from birth, her development had bewildered her family as she continued to grow taller and stronger than any of the other children. Some of the others were afraid of her eyes, the ones that dared to hide things. Her senses missed nothing, her mistakes not made often.
Ama accomplished feats at an early age that adults could not. Her crafting of blades and deadly still aim was a constant reminder to all in her group of their own contribution.
The group was a close of roughly twenty five. Mostly adults with several children. They co-existed with thirty or so groups spread out over a vast tract of land near the equator, consisting of grass and woodlands, becoming flatter and denser towards the east. Semi nomads, they moved swiftly on foot, collecting and hunting systematically until an area was unable to support their collective burden, ever roaming in constant search of food. Hunting was mainly the male collective effort and gathering of smaller food and vegetable the female collective, although all children would gather fruits with their mothers from an early age and were able to survive long periods away from the group. Young females would often display excellent hunting skills but were seldom allowed to join hunting trips before reaching adulthood. If a female joined another group upon maturity as was usual, her hunting skills would be replaced with the rearing of children and the usual foraging expeditions.
Once mobility had slowed for an elder, their attentive watch over the young of the group became their main function, although it was the elders who foresaw the coming times and it was their opinions that were most often sought in all manner of situation.
As the sun began to hang low in the sky and the winds began to chill the land, groups began to gather in the forests to the west where caves gave shelter for the coldest part of the year. Amas group had gathered here for many generations and instinctively knew it was time to start the 40 day walk following the setting of the sun.
Passing through rich hunting grounds of deer and fowl, the group gathered all that they could carry. Tubers were transported in large sacks, a selection of herbs of medicinal nature were wrapped and packed carefully in small wads. Adequate food was essential to keep them through the winter months as hunting would not take place again until the snows had melted in spring.
Small groups would venture out and forage if the groups hunger became too strong. Some of the elders did not survive until the suns return. If an elder did not awake during long sleep they would be left until their bones were picked clean. During the following season the bones were collected and placed high in the furthest recesses of the cave where no light would go and there they would join earlier family members as guardians of the long night.
Ama walked early and learnt survival skills whilst her peers were still kept close to their mother’s breast. Weaned and strong she roamed the grassland in search of new experience unattended.
Woods - a story not quite a dream
a rustling sound, I wake up sharply, I can’t see? its dark, I hear feet walking through leaves, not people, animal, I smell rotten leaves, bitter taste in the air, there is a cold draught wrapping around my neck.. My feet are wet- they are in water.... a light, no a flash - its dark again - I glimpsed trees. Where am I - woods -too dark? It must be a forest. . Yes. A twig cracks. Snuffling sound, a boar, what is this... something brushed my back - no sound now, there are eyes upon me. More than two. I can begin to make out shapes now, my eyes are getting used to the dark. I pull my feet out of the water; I am sitting in a pool. There is a large shape moving me - its big, it looks like a pig standing up on two legs. No - I am in a forest, this is not where I should be, there are two - no three of these creatures, what’s this, a claw in my shoulder? A talon, it’s a bird; I can hear its wings settle. It pecked in my ear. And again. I am trying to reach it, I cannot move my arms, I am being yanked up now - there are two, my top is pulled up, claws sinking into my shoulder - what’s going on. A voice - not human though, it sounds like a pig, its talking to me. That’s not a bird on my shoulder, stop clawing so hard, it looks more like a snake, the stench is awful, this is not real. I am in a forest I can see slivers of light, its damp here, there is no other sound, am in a room, it sounds like a small room, I am being dragged along. Is it the claw - I don’t know I can’t see, where did they go. Its cold, water again. I don’t like this, my shoulder feels hot, let go of me. I am dropped into water, I cant feel my arms, its moving, its a river, it must be - I’m going up, no this cant be - its getting deeper, it smells of sulphur, I swallowed some, its not going down, I feel sick, I am drowning, I’m falling, its very loud, I think its a waterfall, sounds of rushing water, loud now, I’m still falling, I'm going to die, I can hear music, faraway, I'm still falling, the music is getting louder, I can see - its yellow here, dark yellow, this is a cave. It smells awful here, why that woman is playing a violin. She is saying something - I can’t hear her voice over the noise of the water.. She beckons me towards her, I am up to my neck in water, and she points to my left. Urges me to look, there is a light there. Very bright it hurts my eyes, where did she go. Everything has gone white, I feel warm, and I can see only bright light. It’s coming towards me. A rush of air across my face. I am moving forwards. I don’t know how - I feel like I am being pushed through the air. There is a rushing of air all around me. I hear voices. Many voices, all shouting in unison. It’s muffled, there is still a rushing sound all around me. What’s this? I am rising slowly now I am in a field. I can hear the voices swirling, they sound angry. I see below me now, there is a crowd of people pointing at me. I am rising up over a wide landscape.
Collected quotes on the future from myself (and friends
One Day the little boy Travelled to the City on his own Using heads-up Display
In the future there will be machines for everything and pets will be electronic
Mankind will inhabit many worlds
The world will be your oyster
Boiled eggs will open themselves upon being cooked by the chicken
Cats will be become psychic advisors to the government
In the future chimneys will clean the air
Grass will be many colours
The snails will have mobile phones
and peas will roll to your fork
Sweets will dance into your mouth
Hyper galactic markets will be visited once a year
It will all be delivered
Flys will rule
In the future we will all live on tetra flakes
to be continued: future postings will include updates, more special dreams, micro-stories, more musings and recollections of very special close encounters of the 4th kind, shh......sleep