In August 1999 I saw a ghost whilst in a Victorian hospital ward following a surgical procedure. The medication administered seemed to allow this perceptual glimpse. I do not accept that the event was a mere hallucination but feel that the altered perception distracted my consciousness mind enough to accept what my eyes saw. The image of a man walking was very ordinary. He only walked forwards and did not seem to notice anything around him. He was approximately 5 metres away from where I was sitting upright in bed. The whole experience lasted 7 or 8 seconds.
Previously I had gone through a doorway and felt like I had entered a horror film.
There was a bathroom at the end of the ward through this doorway and when I entered the room and was overcome by a feeling of sadness as if some energy had been trapped in there. It was not only sad but frustrated, there was also a feeling of trauma and I washed quickly to be able to remove myself from the cloying atmosphere. Later on that day I saw the ghost. Not quite exactly as I would have imagined a ghost looks but interesting in the specifics of the details. The figure of a man walking forlornly with sluggish steps, head down, large and middle aged with a large protruding stomach and wispy hair around the ears. The figure was ash grey and no features were discernible but the outline of the form was a crisp silhouette as if cut from paper. I noticed him as he walked towards the bathroom a few yards from the door. He walked through the doorway but walked partly through the wall. I thought that the door he had walked through was probably the original doorway which had been replaced with a new wall and door in recent times. I later enquired and one of the nurses informed me that a middle aged man had indeed killed himself in the bathroom in desperation at the low quality of his life due to advanced coronary disease.
Labels: altered states, echo, ghost sighting walking through walls, repeat, sense, shadow, spirits
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