my lucid dreams
Lucid dreams
I always wanted to lucid dream. I wanted a nova dreamer from being a teenager but never got one. They got more expensive and I never seemed to have the money. I was telling Iain one day that I'd love to get one. That very night, to my surprise, I had my first real lucid dream. I had had a few flying dreams in the past but was never lucid and always found it hard to keep flying for long.
Dream 1 - I was underneath the flight path of aeroplanes in Liverpool. My mum turned up in the car with her aunt Gladys. We were picking up my grandma from the airport. I realised at this point that they were both dead and this stimulated my lucidity, “this must be a dream”.
At this point I turned away from the scene and was standing at the pier head. Facing the liver buildings. Grey concrete and stone. I suddenly thought I would experiment and see what happened. I focused my attention on creating a grassy landscape which transformed the scene. I was now standing on a grassy bank facing the river. “ a coral green sea, I thought” and the brown river turned to a shallow green sea like the Aegean. I could see the bottom and features like reefs. The sky was still grey and this took a lot of concentration to clear, I thought hard and the clouds blew apart revealing a beautiful blue sky with beaming sunshine. “a boat” I thought and it appeared beneath my feet, where I was standing. “what kind of boat?” a speedboat, with a steering wheel, which appeared in my hands and a paddle throttle which appeared in my other hand and as it does i push it forward and off we go. I'm cruising across this sea until I'm quite far out and the water is now dark and deep. Then the shock. To my right I can see a set of barbershop poles sticking out of the water, to my horror I suddenly realise I didn't make them appear. I know they represent “humphries” from the milk board ads of the seventies, which scared the pants off me aged 5. I realised that this represented some deep subconscious fear but was nonetheless surprised that this feature could enter my lucid dream. I turned back to the coast and pulled in at the Albert dock where the dream continued but the lucidity slowly wore off and I was back in a normal dream.
Dream 2 - I am walking along an idyllic countrylane. It is high summer high grass on each side with trees dappling the light and on a gentle downward slope. Very nice and one of my ideal locations. (It reminded me of the country lanes near Ross-on-Wye) I was having difficulty walking as you sometimes do in a dream. It was hard work locomoting and I was a bit stuck, getting tired i start hopping like a frog using my arms to propel me along. the jumps get longer and longer and I recognised another hallmark of a dream. (the frog jump is something i know other people have said they have experienced in a dream so that maybe what triggers the lucidity.) I suddenly broke free and ran then jumped into the air spreading my arms to gain uplift, no conscious requirement to fly, just using the wind. A breeze carried me as I flew off turning up and into the wind I was carried high flying like Superman. I was carried up and up until I came to a tower. Like Spiderman I grabbed and clung to the side of the wall, (I felt very light) and climbed inside to sit on a sill. It was early morning pre-dawn with a dark pink sky and I was so high I could see the whole of the Thames estuary meandering and leading to the sea with industrial buildings and lights along the banks. It was eerily beautiful and I was thinking that I'd never seen this view before and wondering where I was. It felt like Greenwich or somewhere thereabouts. I then climbed into the tower and walked down a spiral staircase. I was back to nearly where I had started in the dream and it was a big country house. There was a party going on and the lucidity wore off as I entered the ground floor where much merriment was happening. Dream 3 – I am in liverpool it is night time. I think hang on this landscape is wrong. This is a dream. I immediately took off to fly the night sky using the mental power of flight. It took a lot of concentration but I knew the higher I flew the easier I could glide. It was amazing, I saw a tower block and through the window was my ex girlfriend asleep in bed as if in a holiday apartment. I flew though the glass and picked her up still asleep. I carried her off, she was partly awake and smiling. I remember thinking that she would be dreaming this. I flew her back and put her gently back in the room without waking her. I then flew around London exploring the birds eye view. I flew across the top of the natural history museum and was fascinated to see the architectural details that you never get close to. I noticed two young men sitting on the roof and flew over to them. I said you're lucid dreaming too, they nodded and smiled. I sat with them for a minute then I rose higher and higher over outer London and was looking down on rows of houses, lots of fields and rows of allotments. It was just before dawn and very evocative. I thought, I know, I'll go and see the aliens ! I flew up to the windowsill of a Victorian house on the fourth or fifth floor. And sat on the windowsill, I entered the window through a billowing net curtain. A dark attic room with 20's furniture. Very quiet I sat on the bed to take a rest. Where are they ? I sat on the bed facing a mirror and in the dark I saw something flit behind me. I turned round. Nothing, I turned to look and there sitting next to me was this small form. The head covered with a silken handkerchief. It wouldn't let me see it's face but extended a small delicate alien hand and we communed for a while. I think that was the end of the dream.
Dream 4 – I awoke and was kind of in Lynton Close where my mum lived years ago but I was also on the main road ( Brodie avenue ) around the corner where a tree lined verge divided the wide road I tried to fly but could only jump. I was trying really hard to fly but it was like being in slow motion. So I ran along jumping like a ninja. At one point I jumped a kerb to cross a road and stopped in mid -air like the matrix. The feeling was amazing. I could scale trees with the lightest of ease and was turning acrobatic moves with precision control of 3d space. I was still trying to fly but couldn't seem to get above about 10-15 feet. At this point I noticed a kid watching me and he was amazed. How do you do that he said. I tried to show but he couldn't get it although he was following me doing his best to imitate my ninja moves. After a while of this and a small bunch of kids following me I was back to where I started. I needed a pew and thought this might have been stopping me from flying. So I climbed onto the garage roof of number 7 Lynton close. There was a lip about a foot high and I crouched behind it, had a poo and stood up feeling lighter. I was trying really hard mentally to fly remembering that it required thought not wings. I couldn't take off and was puzzled. So I flapped my arms like wings and slowly took off. I found this amusing and flapped harder going higher and higher straight up. When I was at about a 100 feet I could see the south bank of the river Thames below near London bridge and there were people walking below. I wondered that if they looked up they would be amazed. I saw the opposite side of the Thames and thought I would fly across it. I then thought that I might drop in the water and decided not to. I think there was a bit more, I came down and was back in the real world. I think the dream continued for a bit but lucidity wore off.
Dream 5 – I was in the park, Calderstones, it was night. I had an air rifle and was practising shooting targets. I suddenly became aware that there police and military personnel and somehow I knew they were looking for a dangerous person with a gun, not me but some crazy madman. I threw the gun thinking that they might mistake me for the madman. I was apprehended, questioned in the back of a van. It was odd and not very nice. “What are you doing here in the middle of the night” ? Nothing. Etc. they had located the guy and in the rush, I slipped away and ran and ran. I was now on Jericho lane, although it was also the dock road but a new road and not one I was familiar with. I was walking down the middle of the road and
A white limousine type car pulled up behind me with blacked out windows and this window opened slowly and a horrible gangster type started giving me stick for being in the road. I kind of said fuck off and this made them angry. There was a few of them in the car and they were drinking,etc looked like they were on their way home from a party. I started to run as they were trying to run me over and I'm semi-lucid but in this dream not in control !!! I'm thinking watch this suckers as I decided to fly away. I am desperately trying to fly but my flying powers have evaporated, which puzzles me. Instead I run up a grass verge and I'm away into the bushes over a fence and gone, End.
Dream 6 – I am in south London, it is about 2am, I am this nightclub, hotel it's hot and sweaty and I am walking down this corridor to the sauna in my white underpants. This drunk guy starts chatting to me and I can see in his eyes somethings up. He tries to molest me and he's grabbing at my trunks. He tried to grab my testicles and I'm angry now. This is distressing and I have to fight him off, literally pushing him to the floor and standing on his legs to get away. Although he is still protesting at my attitude, I'm like scared and feel vulnerable. I go outside and I am in the street. I suddenly realise this is not south London it's a dream. I immediately take off and fly heading towards home. I pass over old industrial places near old street and it's spooky dark and cold. I can see people, it's new years eve and I'm watching fireworks from a different perspective and I can see people below wandering about drunk. I am very quiet and it's dark and they can't see me. I am about 70-80 feet and I am really cold. I have no clothes on and I see a block of flats with the windows lit up. It looks like bethnal green. There is a party with people my age / type and I fly up to the window. I tap on the window and a few people in the room freak out. There's a guy flying outside the flat and a few people move to the kitchen looking out at me from both windows.. I am freezing and mouthing / motioning to let me in, a guy opens the window and is like what the fuck, “are you a ghost or something” I say no just please let me in I am really cold. This guy opens balcony windows and I climb in. the people all back off and I can't explain my situation to them. A few people are so off their heads they thinks it's really funny. “can I have something to wear” a guy who seems pretty cool considering the situation goes and gets me a tshirt and some jeans. I thank him, get dressed and sit in the kitchen. A few people are quizzing me and I'm explaining that I'm in a lucid dream and was just passing when I realised how cold I am. I then leave down the stairs as everyone surveys me pointing and puzzled to themselves trying to work it out. I am back outside and I walk for a while. I'm still in an old dark part of London and it's not very nice, it's quiet and still dark. I can see a couple of dodgy hoods looking at me, working out how to mug me. I just quietly slip above them to about 20 feet and they are like where did he go. They look up and see me hovering over them and they freak out and run away. I decide it's time to go see the aliens. I am flying up this canal almost on a wire or something, which goes uphill in stages like a lock but the water runs upwards too. It's like I'm on autopilot. As I go further and higher the high concrete walls of the canal are slowly becoming more covered in vines and before long it looks like the amazon. I see some skyscrapers to my left and I see three people sitting on a ledge where a billboard is situated. I land near them. As they become closer I can see that their faces are not human. Two guys and one woman. Their faces are like triangular with a wedge shaped face and features. They have a leopard spot effect on their skin, but skin coloured and as I approach them they morph into human shape and the spots disappear. We talk for a while about what, I can't remember and then that's the end of the dream.
it seems that being cold or not deeply asleep can trigger the lucidity. just the other night i was in dream and i had 'sticky feet' again. it was exhausting trying to walk and i eventually found it easier to walk backwards but this time i didn't become lucid. i am trying to find a visual trigger but perhaps the hallmark of a dream
I always wanted to lucid dream. I wanted a nova dreamer from being a teenager but never got one. They got more expensive and I never seemed to have the money. I was telling Iain one day that I'd love to get one. That very night, to my surprise, I had my first real lucid dream. I had had a few flying dreams in the past but was never lucid and always found it hard to keep flying for long.
Dream 1 - I was underneath the flight path of aeroplanes in Liverpool. My mum turned up in the car with her aunt Gladys. We were picking up my grandma from the airport. I realised at this point that they were both dead and this stimulated my lucidity, “this must be a dream”.
At this point I turned away from the scene and was standing at the pier head. Facing the liver buildings. Grey concrete and stone. I suddenly thought I would experiment and see what happened. I focused my attention on creating a grassy landscape which transformed the scene. I was now standing on a grassy bank facing the river. “ a coral green sea, I thought” and the brown river turned to a shallow green sea like the Aegean. I could see the bottom and features like reefs. The sky was still grey and this took a lot of concentration to clear, I thought hard and the clouds blew apart revealing a beautiful blue sky with beaming sunshine. “a boat” I thought and it appeared beneath my feet, where I was standing. “what kind of boat?” a speedboat, with a steering wheel, which appeared in my hands and a paddle throttle which appeared in my other hand and as it does i push it forward and off we go. I'm cruising across this sea until I'm quite far out and the water is now dark and deep. Then the shock. To my right I can see a set of barbershop poles sticking out of the water, to my horror I suddenly realise I didn't make them appear. I know they represent “humphries” from the milk board ads of the seventies, which scared the pants off me aged 5. I realised that this represented some deep subconscious fear but was nonetheless surprised that this feature could enter my lucid dream. I turned back to the coast and pulled in at the Albert dock where the dream continued but the lucidity slowly wore off and I was back in a normal dream.
Dream 2 - I am walking along an idyllic countrylane. It is high summer high grass on each side with trees dappling the light and on a gentle downward slope. Very nice and one of my ideal locations. (It reminded me of the country lanes near Ross-on-Wye) I was having difficulty walking as you sometimes do in a dream. It was hard work locomoting and I was a bit stuck, getting tired i start hopping like a frog using my arms to propel me along. the jumps get longer and longer and I recognised another hallmark of a dream. (the frog jump is something i know other people have said they have experienced in a dream so that maybe what triggers the lucidity.) I suddenly broke free and ran then jumped into the air spreading my arms to gain uplift, no conscious requirement to fly, just using the wind. A breeze carried me as I flew off turning up and into the wind I was carried high flying like Superman. I was carried up and up until I came to a tower. Like Spiderman I grabbed and clung to the side of the wall, (I felt very light) and climbed inside to sit on a sill. It was early morning pre-dawn with a dark pink sky and I was so high I could see the whole of the Thames estuary meandering and leading to the sea with industrial buildings and lights along the banks. It was eerily beautiful and I was thinking that I'd never seen this view before and wondering where I was. It felt like Greenwich or somewhere thereabouts. I then climbed into the tower and walked down a spiral staircase. I was back to nearly where I had started in the dream and it was a big country house. There was a party going on and the lucidity wore off as I entered the ground floor where much merriment was happening. Dream 3 – I am in liverpool it is night time. I think hang on this landscape is wrong. This is a dream. I immediately took off to fly the night sky using the mental power of flight. It took a lot of concentration but I knew the higher I flew the easier I could glide. It was amazing, I saw a tower block and through the window was my ex girlfriend asleep in bed as if in a holiday apartment. I flew though the glass and picked her up still asleep. I carried her off, she was partly awake and smiling. I remember thinking that she would be dreaming this. I flew her back and put her gently back in the room without waking her. I then flew around London exploring the birds eye view. I flew across the top of the natural history museum and was fascinated to see the architectural details that you never get close to. I noticed two young men sitting on the roof and flew over to them. I said you're lucid dreaming too, they nodded and smiled. I sat with them for a minute then I rose higher and higher over outer London and was looking down on rows of houses, lots of fields and rows of allotments. It was just before dawn and very evocative. I thought, I know, I'll go and see the aliens ! I flew up to the windowsill of a Victorian house on the fourth or fifth floor. And sat on the windowsill, I entered the window through a billowing net curtain. A dark attic room with 20's furniture. Very quiet I sat on the bed to take a rest. Where are they ? I sat on the bed facing a mirror and in the dark I saw something flit behind me. I turned round. Nothing, I turned to look and there sitting next to me was this small form. The head covered with a silken handkerchief. It wouldn't let me see it's face but extended a small delicate alien hand and we communed for a while. I think that was the end of the dream.
Dream 4 – I awoke and was kind of in Lynton Close where my mum lived years ago but I was also on the main road ( Brodie avenue ) around the corner where a tree lined verge divided the wide road I tried to fly but could only jump. I was trying really hard to fly but it was like being in slow motion. So I ran along jumping like a ninja. At one point I jumped a kerb to cross a road and stopped in mid -air like the matrix. The feeling was amazing. I could scale trees with the lightest of ease and was turning acrobatic moves with precision control of 3d space. I was still trying to fly but couldn't seem to get above about 10-15 feet. At this point I noticed a kid watching me and he was amazed. How do you do that he said. I tried to show but he couldn't get it although he was following me doing his best to imitate my ninja moves. After a while of this and a small bunch of kids following me I was back to where I started. I needed a pew and thought this might have been stopping me from flying. So I climbed onto the garage roof of number 7 Lynton close. There was a lip about a foot high and I crouched behind it, had a poo and stood up feeling lighter. I was trying really hard mentally to fly remembering that it required thought not wings. I couldn't take off and was puzzled. So I flapped my arms like wings and slowly took off. I found this amusing and flapped harder going higher and higher straight up. When I was at about a 100 feet I could see the south bank of the river Thames below near London bridge and there were people walking below. I wondered that if they looked up they would be amazed. I saw the opposite side of the Thames and thought I would fly across it. I then thought that I might drop in the water and decided not to. I think there was a bit more, I came down and was back in the real world. I think the dream continued for a bit but lucidity wore off.
Dream 5 – I was in the park, Calderstones, it was night. I had an air rifle and was practising shooting targets. I suddenly became aware that there police and military personnel and somehow I knew they were looking for a dangerous person with a gun, not me but some crazy madman. I threw the gun thinking that they might mistake me for the madman. I was apprehended, questioned in the back of a van. It was odd and not very nice. “What are you doing here in the middle of the night” ? Nothing. Etc. they had located the guy and in the rush, I slipped away and ran and ran. I was now on Jericho lane, although it was also the dock road but a new road and not one I was familiar with. I was walking down the middle of the road and
A white limousine type car pulled up behind me with blacked out windows and this window opened slowly and a horrible gangster type started giving me stick for being in the road. I kind of said fuck off and this made them angry. There was a few of them in the car and they were drinking,etc looked like they were on their way home from a party. I started to run as they were trying to run me over and I'm semi-lucid but in this dream not in control !!! I'm thinking watch this suckers as I decided to fly away. I am desperately trying to fly but my flying powers have evaporated, which puzzles me. Instead I run up a grass verge and I'm away into the bushes over a fence and gone, End.
Dream 6 – I am in south London, it is about 2am, I am this nightclub, hotel it's hot and sweaty and I am walking down this corridor to the sauna in my white underpants. This drunk guy starts chatting to me and I can see in his eyes somethings up. He tries to molest me and he's grabbing at my trunks. He tried to grab my testicles and I'm angry now. This is distressing and I have to fight him off, literally pushing him to the floor and standing on his legs to get away. Although he is still protesting at my attitude, I'm like scared and feel vulnerable. I go outside and I am in the street. I suddenly realise this is not south London it's a dream. I immediately take off and fly heading towards home. I pass over old industrial places near old street and it's spooky dark and cold. I can see people, it's new years eve and I'm watching fireworks from a different perspective and I can see people below wandering about drunk. I am very quiet and it's dark and they can't see me. I am about 70-80 feet and I am really cold. I have no clothes on and I see a block of flats with the windows lit up. It looks like bethnal green. There is a party with people my age / type and I fly up to the window. I tap on the window and a few people in the room freak out. There's a guy flying outside the flat and a few people move to the kitchen looking out at me from both windows.. I am freezing and mouthing / motioning to let me in, a guy opens the window and is like what the fuck, “are you a ghost or something” I say no just please let me in I am really cold. This guy opens balcony windows and I climb in. the people all back off and I can't explain my situation to them. A few people are so off their heads they thinks it's really funny. “can I have something to wear” a guy who seems pretty cool considering the situation goes and gets me a tshirt and some jeans. I thank him, get dressed and sit in the kitchen. A few people are quizzing me and I'm explaining that I'm in a lucid dream and was just passing when I realised how cold I am. I then leave down the stairs as everyone surveys me pointing and puzzled to themselves trying to work it out. I am back outside and I walk for a while. I'm still in an old dark part of London and it's not very nice, it's quiet and still dark. I can see a couple of dodgy hoods looking at me, working out how to mug me. I just quietly slip above them to about 20 feet and they are like where did he go. They look up and see me hovering over them and they freak out and run away. I decide it's time to go see the aliens. I am flying up this canal almost on a wire or something, which goes uphill in stages like a lock but the water runs upwards too. It's like I'm on autopilot. As I go further and higher the high concrete walls of the canal are slowly becoming more covered in vines and before long it looks like the amazon. I see some skyscrapers to my left and I see three people sitting on a ledge where a billboard is situated. I land near them. As they become closer I can see that their faces are not human. Two guys and one woman. Their faces are like triangular with a wedge shaped face and features. They have a leopard spot effect on their skin, but skin coloured and as I approach them they morph into human shape and the spots disappear. We talk for a while about what, I can't remember and then that's the end of the dream.
it seems that being cold or not deeply asleep can trigger the lucidity. just the other night i was in dream and i had 'sticky feet' again. it was exhausting trying to walk and i eventually found it easier to walk backwards but this time i didn't become lucid. i am trying to find a visual trigger but perhaps the hallmark of a dream
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